News + Media

News + Media

Book Panel February 18th: Inter-imperiality by Laura Doyle

Please join us for a panel to discuss "Inter-imperiality: Vying Empires, Gendered Labor, and the Literary Arts of Alliance" with author Laura Doyle, Kate Bedford, & Scarlett Cornelissen & moderated by Mark Laffey.
News + Media

Mega Dams and Human Insecurity in East Africa: A Discussion with Edward Stevenson

Join us for a discussion with Edward Stevenson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Durham University
News + Media

Global Carceral States: Violence, Transgressions, and Methodologies of Imprisonment

This conference on May 21-22 2021 presents an opportunity for scholars to contribute to our understanding of prisons, torture, violence, securitization and related issues..