Samer Abboud

About Author

Samer Abboud

Samer Abboud is Associate Professor of Global Interdisciplinary Studies at Villanova University and the co-coordinator (with Omar Dahi) of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences' working group on Critical Security Studies. He has published (with Benjamin Muller) Rethinking Hizballah: Authority, Legitimacy, Violence (Ashgate) and a book on the Syrian conflict entitled Syria (Polity Press). In addition to a number of book chapters and articles in journals such as Citizenship Studies, Security Dialogue, New Political Science, and Middle East Policy. His current research is broadly interested in the relationships between violence and political economies of conflict, especially in Syria.

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News + Media

Legacies and Aftermaths of the US "War On Terror"

Security in Context and the Orfalea Center for Global Studies at UCSB present: Legacies and Aftermaths of the US "War On Terror."

Topologies of Security Workshop Keynote Address

The following keynote was delivered by Professor Samer Abboud in "Topologies of Security: Critical Security Studies in postcolonial and postsocialist scenes" a workshop organized at the Justus Liebig University Giessen on June 25th and 26th by Professors Andreas Langenohl, Dr. Philipp Lotholtz, Amina Nolte, and Dr. Andrew Dwyer.
News + Media

US Foreign Policy Moving Forward

Security in Context and the Forum on Arms Trade held an event at the Stimson Center in Washington D.C. discussing the role of arms sales by the United States to Middle Eastern countries

Reconciling fighters, settling civilians: the making of post-conflict citizens

The emergent illiberal peace in Syria extends the conditions of war and violence into the post-conflict period, creating new citizenship regimes that bifurcate Syrian society into the reconciled and settled and the unsettled and cast out.