Coverage: Africa

News + Media

"Sucked Dry" Interview Transcript

The following article is a transcript of the interview with the authors of "Sucked Dry", Annika McGinnis and Fredrick Mugira, conducted by Nayifa Nihad. Please visit our youtube page for the full video interview.
News + Media

Mega Dams and Human Insecurity in East Africa: A Discussion with Edward Stevenson

Join us for a discussion with Edward Stevenson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Durham University

Borders and the State in Light of Covid-19: The Moroccan-Spanish Border (Arabic)

Azzeddine Faraa examines the impact of Covid-19 on Moroccan-Spanish border relations and the subsequent economic and political consequences. Available in Arabic.
News + Media

Self-Devouring Growth: Dr. Julie Livingston

Dr. Julie Livingston discussed her latest book "Self-Devouring Growth: A Planetary Parable As Told From Southern Africa" as part of the collaboration between the University of Oklahoma's Center for Peace and Development and Security in Context.
News + Media

Self-Devouring Growth: A Lecture with Dr. Julie Livingston

Join SiC and OU CPD for a lecture with Dr. Julie Livingston, author of "Self-Devouring Growth: A planetary Parable as Told From Southern Africa" (Duke University Press, 2019)..
News + Media

Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe on Women's Empowerment in Uganda

Activist and educator Sister Rosemary Nyirube speaks of her work with women in Northern Uganda, the various insecurities they face, and her work to empower women socially and economically.
News + Media

Daniel Mains "Under Construction: Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia"

Daniel Mains of the University of Oklahoma is interviewed by Firat Demir about his new book, Under Construction: Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia (2019 Duke University Press).
News + Media

Interview with Philippe Frowd

Philippe Frowd on borders and his book: Security at the Borders: Transnational Practices and Technologies in West Africa

Borders Roundtable: Policing the Virus: Race, Risk, and the Politics of Containment in Morocco and the United States

From Morocco to the United States, existing physical, social, legal, and economic barriers are compounded by the virus.

Effects of Motherhood Timing, Breastmilk Substitutes and Education on the Duration of Breastfeeding: Evidence from Egypt

Breastfeeding has significant health and human capital effects on both mothers and infants. However, breastfeeding rates vary significantly within and across countries as societal, political, economic and cultural factors along with individual choices shape the breastfeeding practices. Using data from the Egyptian Demographic and Health Surveys, this study examines the effects of first motherhood timing, availability of breastmilk substitutes, and mothers’ education levels on breastfeeding duration in a major developing country, Egypt.